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Parish Center September Update

Building Committee

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

August, as we all know, was a hot, humid month. Not much energy to do much of anything. Yet some people in the parish were able to push through to meet in the Center and plan for future activities.

On Saturday, October 1, a Parish Fair is planned in the Center from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Games, food, music! All are welcome – rain or shine!

In addition, the ACTS retreat teams have been meeting in the Center as well as ongoing scheduled meetings for Scouts and Daughters of Isabella and, of course, Coffee and Donuts each Sunday! The Center is where food and supplies are dropped off as part of the Outreach Committee commitment to assist Catholic Charities in New London and the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center.

The need for a Center is obvious - to provide a gathering place to put into action our mission to serve others.

Construction Planning Update: An exciting step forward!

As DCA continues with document development to prepare our project for bid this fall, we’re finally going beyond drawings and sketches. The parish Building Committee will be meeting with DCA in September to review options for interior finishes: wall and floor colors and finishes. We will be sharing samples of these with the parish this fall. It will be exciting to soon see how our completed Parish Center interior finishes will look and feel!

We look forward to a new Center that will provide an improved space to continue our work as Christians to help our parish and our community.

Thank you for your continued support,

St Patrick Building Committee

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