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Parish Center May Update

Building Committee

Our Parish Center project is making progress. It does seem like the demolition of the current center in October is far away but, we wanted to get ahead of the schedule so we have started a Transition team to get ready for October.

The Transition team has been active this month. First step was to tour the parish center and the Shamrock house to see how much stuff we have accumulated of the last 60 years. The team found a lot!

Based on the items and inventory in both locations, a questionnaire was developed and was sent to each ministry leader. Meetings will be scheduled with each ministry starting in May. The Transition team will help guide each ministry in the development of their plan to evaluate their items and determine what will done with their inventory: keep, donate, pack up, or disposed of the items. Based on these meetings and the plans that are developed, the scope of places for storage, containers, access to boxes will be created. Considering the different types of items and the construction schedule of 1+ years, we will need to find storage, climate-controlled storage, alternative meeting space, etc.

Progress on the Parish center design lead by our architect, Doyle Coffin Architects (DCA) is moving ahead. DCA began the design documents for the center which are projected to be submitted for review in June. The final kitchen design also was started and should be ready in May. There are several consultants that are needed for the detail design and DCA kicked off their efforts this month. DCA is supporting St Patrick and Fr. Kevin with the review and approval of our parish center project with the Norwich Diocese.

Thank you for your continued support,

St Patrick Building Committee

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